Strip & Seal Floors - Hygiene Outright

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Hygiene Outright strip and seal floor services are especially suited to vinyl flooring.  Vinyl tiles are favoured over other flooring materials due to their durability, high
resilience to abrasion and impact damage, low cost and ease of maintenance.  The surface of the vinyl is usually covered by a number of layers of sealant that
provide protection and easy cleaning maintenance. However, vinyl floors loose their sheen over time as the layers of sealer becomes abraded and scuffed by regular daily
foot traffic and dirt becomes ingrained.

Hygiene Outright stripping and sealing is a process of removing a layer or layers of sealer, and cleaning and resealing the surface.  Depending on the condition of the
floor, this can involve the removal of just some of the top layers, and the application of a new top layer, or the removal and resealing of all layers.  We use safe, good quality and fast acting floor stripping solutions that are specifically designed for the removal of floor polishes and sealers.  The stripper solution is applied onto the floor and sufficient time is allowed for the solution to soften the seal or polish.

The vinyl floor is scrubbed to remove the old layer (s) of sealer using a slow speed polisher with a stripping pad. The surface is then cleaned, 'neutralised' (with a solution containing a PH neutralising additive) and dried, ready for the application of layers of a high quality-sealer.  After applying multiple layers of sealer, we then buff the surface to produce an 'as new' high gloss finish.
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